Did You Know? http://www.drtananazar.com/blogdid-you-know.html information you need to know about your health. en-us NYK RSS Feeder The Birth of a New Healing Art http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/04/09/the-birth-of-a-new-healing-art/ Tue, 09 Apr 2013 11:07:38 -0400 <p align="center"><strong>The Birth of a new Healing Art</strong></p> <p><strong>The genesis of the wellness revolution, the story of chiropractic</strong>.&nbsp; It was September of 1895 when a magnetic healer named Dr. D.D. Palmer examined a deaf janitor in Davenport, Iowa. Harvey Lillard, a deaf janitor who worked in the building in which D.D. Palmer practiced, described to Dr. Palmer that he lost his hearing 17 years previously while exerting himself.&nbsp; Mr. Lillard explained that he felt something give way in his back and immediately became deaf. Dr. Palmer examined Mr. Lillard and located a subluxated vertebra in his spine. Dr. Palmer then purposefully repositioned the vertebrae back into place and Mr. Lillard&rsquo;s hearing was miraculously restored.</p> <p>Shortly after the Harvey Lillard case, Dr. Palmer had a patient with heart trouble that also was resolved when he replaced (adjusted) a subluxated vertebrae. In this particular case, he examined the spine and located a subluxated vertebrae pressing on the nerves supplying messages to the heart. Dr. Palmer reasoned that if two diseases, so different as deafness and heart trouble, came from pressure on the nerves, then other diseases may be caused due to a similar cause.</p> <p>Thus, the science and art of Chiropractic were formed. The dawn of a new era of health care was born, a system to investigate the cause of all disease and treat the cause, not the sign or symptom. A system based on a vitalistic approach that allowed our bodies to heal naturally without the use of toxic drugs or surgeries.</p> #19 The Broken Wrist Analogy http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/04/02/19-the-broken-wrist-analogy/ Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:27:00 -0400 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>The Broken Wrist Analogy</strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14px;">If you fell and broke your wrist, you would go to the local emergency clinic where the orthopedist would x-ray your wrist, set the bone, cast your wrist and send you home. If it felt better the next day and you went to the clinic to ask if they would remove your cast, what do you think they&rsquo;d say? They would laugh at you. Why? How long does it take the bone to heal? In a healthy teenager with a simple wrist fracture would take 4-6 weeks for the bones to heal and the cast would have to remain on for the duration. At the end of six weeks they remove the cast. Would your wrist be 100%? Would you be able to do everything that you were able to do before the fracture? No, it will take at least another 4-6 weeks to strengthen and stabilize the wrist joint. Now suppose you are a 53 year old woman who slips on the stairs and suffers a complicated fracture of the wrist. Now we are talking about 3-4 months to heal the fracture and another 3-4 months of rehabilitation.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14px;">So when we recommend your initial care in our office we consider your age and the extent of damage to your nervous system. Our recommendations include the time to heal and time for strengthening and stabilizing the spine to prepare you for wellness care. Why? We don&rsquo;t heal overnight. <strong>Healing is a process, not an event</strong>. Chiropractic is a Lifestyle, not a Treatment. What changes are you willing to make in your lifestyle for better health next year?</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> When Stress Levels Get Too High http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/03/19/when-stress-levels-get-too-high/ Tue, 19 Mar 2013 11:36:26 -0400 <h5><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Mental Attitude: When Stress Levels Get Too High. Too much stress can negatively affect the immune system, cardiovascular system, neuroendocrine system, and central nervous system. Untreated chronic (long-term) stress can lead to muscle pain, insomnia, hypertension (high blood pressure), a weaker immune system and anxiety, which can lead to dozens of illnesses, including heart disease, depression, and obesity.</strong><br /> <strong>American Psychological Assoc, February 2013<br /> <br /> People now generally accept that stress is the cause of over 80% of all the diseases that afflict us, but how does that happen? Stress is the #1 cause of subluxation, which leads to body dysfunction and ultimately disease. Emotional stress accounts for 80% of that. People have a pretty easy time seeing how physical stress like overexertion, awkward postures, repetitive strain, or a physical injury/trauma can subluxate you but have a harder time imagining how emotional stress can do it. It&rsquo;s because a big part of your body&rsquo;s reaction to emotional stress involves significant changes in the way we recruit muscles that create a defensive posture. That altered body alignment and tension is what subluxates us.</strong></span></h5> <p><strong>shared from my fellow chiropractor, DrBarbara Eaton who is the master communicator!</strong></p> #18 The Chiropractic Meaning of Life! http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/03/19/18-the-chiropractic-meaning-of-life/ Tue, 19 Mar 2013 11:29:01 -0400 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>The Chiropractic meaning of life!</strong></span></p> <p>There is a distinct Chiropractic view of health, that health is much more than just how you feel, it&rsquo;s how you function and express yourself. Health is a state in which your body can express: 100% of your human potential, 100% of your human spirit, and where your cells, tissues, organs, and systems are functioning 100%, 100% of the time.</p> <p>There is an inborn intelligence in all living things that naturally gives us our instincts and information to survive, thrive, and adapt in this ever-changing world. It&rsquo;s the expression of this inborn intelligence through our nerve system that allows our body to perform at 100%. This is the Chiropractic meaning of life.</p> <p>Your life is an expression of this intelligence through your body. The quality of your life is indeed directly proportional to the ability of your nervous system to express this intelligence through your body without interference to this process.</p> <p>How well is your nervous system performing? Wellness Chiropractic removes interference and disturbances in the nervous system, allowing you to express yourself to your fullest potential.</p> <p>Wellness Chiropractic has always been and always will be about restoring health and wellness to the body, not treating back and neck pain. Wellness Chiropractic is a lifestyle that creates well-being, improves your quality of living, and improves your performance at every level. Have your family checked for interference to their nervous system today.</p> <p>We have already defined Universal Intelligence as the organizing principle that holds our universe together. Life is the expression of Universal Intelligence through Matter.</p> <p>How is that possible? It is the purpose of Universal Intelligence to create Life Force. Life Force unites Intelligence with Matter. Life Force is expressed in your body as electrical signals carried throughout your nervous system.</p> <p>Thus, Life is a union of 3 necessary factors: Universal Intelligence, Life Force and Matter. (Triune of Life) Universal Intelligence is always 100% or the order in our universe would collapse. Universal Intelligence always creates 100% Life Force. In other words, the producer knows how much needs to be in the product.</p> <p>Where does this triune break down and become less than perfect? For perfection of this triune there must be 100% Intelligence, 100% Life Force and 100% Matter. First, what if there is less than 100% matter? A body may be missing an arm or a leg, or maybe an organ has been removed from a surgery. This would hinder the expression of intelligence. Secondly, there can be a breakdown between Life Force and Matter, creating a situation where the delivery of Life Force to Matter is less than 100%. Like interrupting a circuit or closing a road, subluxation can interfere with the transmission of Life Force to Matter. A subluxation is an interference to the expression of the organizing force of the universe through you. The subluxation separates the producer from the product. There is a disconnection. That is why subluxations have devastating effects on life and health. The chiropractic adjustment removes interference to the transmission of Life Force, reuniting Universal Intelligence with Matter (your body).&nbsp; Is your body expressing 100% life? How would you know?</p> #17 How to receive a great ADJUSTMENT! http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/03/12/17-how-to-receive-a-great-adjustment/ Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:56:54 -0400 <p style="text-align: center"><strong><span style="font-size: 14px">How to receive a great ADJUSTMENT!</span></strong></p> <p>Follow these simple steps:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>Your adjusting time is your healing time; turn your awareness internally to your body and let go of the outside pressures of home, work, and life.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li value="2">Develop a Wellness Chiropractic Lifestyle. We encourage you to participate in the learning experience in our open adjusting suite. This is your opportunity to receive more value with every visit as you interact in a wellness discussion. Participation is optional; if you choose not to participate, please be courteous to others by turning off cell phones, talking quietly, and keeping children respectful of others.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li value="3">Please lay face down as soon as an adjusting table is available. Relax, consciously clear your mind and body, letting go of any stress pent up within. Develop calmness as you prepare your body for the adjustment.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li value="4">Neurosurgery without a scalpel. There is incredible power with every adjustment. Focus your mind&rsquo;s eye internally on your energy being released and your life force being restored, thus empowering your adjustment. See and feel the nerve impulses and energies being released to your organs, tissues, and every cell in your body. See yourself as a well-orchestrated symphony of trillions of cells beautifully conducted by your nervous system.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li value="5">Allow yourself to heal. Know that you are completely capable of healing yourself and allow the magic of the life-force inside of you to nurture you.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li value="6">Rather than automatically leaping up after your adjustment, take a few breaths and move purposely. You have the opportunity to live an abundant, vital, and inspired life with optimum performance at every level.</li> </ol> #16 Why canât symptoms be used as a barometer of health? http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/03/05/16-why-cant-symptoms-be-used-as-a-barometer-of-health/ Tue, 05 Mar 2013 10:02:00 -0500 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Why can&rsquo;t symptoms be used as a barometer of health?</strong></span></p> <p>Thousands of Americans die of heart attacks each and every year and the heart attack is their first sign of disease. Statistically, in cases of fatal heart attacks, the fatal heart attack was the very first symptom in over 40% of the male population. Think about it&hellip; Have you ever had a friend who was feeling great, had a PAP smear, a mammogram or a chest x-ray and was given bad news several days later? Cancer doesn&rsquo;t develop in just a few days and yet they were feeling good. Do you know someone who has diabetes? You know that as long as they are taking a proper quantity of insulin they have no symptoms and feel great. Meanwhile the disease continues to ravage their body over time producing circulatory problems, nerve system disorders, kidney damage, and eventually blindness.</p> <p>You can&rsquo;t wait until symptoms develop before you decide to maintain or regain health&hellip; it might be too late!</p> #15 Which Can You Change Your health history or your health future? http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/03/04/15-which-can-you-change-your-health-history-or-your-health-future/ Mon, 04 Mar 2013 09:53:25 -0500 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Which can you change?</strong></span></p> <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Your health history or your health future?</strong></span></p> <p>When you entered our office we asked you to complete a health history form. The fact is that the health decisions you made last year or five (5) years ago contributed to your health or the lack of it today. We can&rsquo;t go back and change your decisions of years gone by.</p> <p>Honestly ask yourself, are you as healthy today as you were five (5) years ago? Will you be healthier five (5) years from now than you are today? Creating health is not an event, it is a process. The lifestyle changes you make today will contribute to your health in the future. Even though we can&rsquo;t change the health decisions you made five (5) years ago, with your commitment, we can assist you in being healthier years from now. The continual process of lifestyle behavior change that leads to optimal health is known as Wellness. It is possible for you to create better health consistently year after year, it&rsquo;s your choice. My wish is for you to live your life to its fullest and improve the quality of your life by creating Wellness naturally.</p> #14 How Would You Define Good Health http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/03/01/14-how-would-you-define-good-health/ Fri, 01 Mar 2013 10:33:24 -0500 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>How would you define Good Health?</strong></span></p> <p>There is a greater dimension to health than just feeling good. Many people answer this question, &ldquo;good health is feeling good&rdquo;. This is nice, but it has very little to do with having good health.</p> <p>What is Health? There is so much more to being healthy than how you feel! The World Health Organization defines health as: Health is a state of optimal physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Webster&rsquo;s defines health as: Health is a state of wholeness in which all organs are functioning 100%, 100% of the time. Health is not just how you feel; it&rsquo;s how you are functioning. Thousands of Americans die of heart attacks each and every year and the heart attack is the first sign of disease. You can&rsquo;t wait until symptoms show up before you decide to act.</p> <p>Symptoms are a poor barometer of health and usually show up late in the disease process. Would you rather choose a lifestyle of wellness so your body functions at an optimal level or live the typical American lifestyle and unknowingly allow various diseases to progress to a level of crisis before you seek action?</p> <p>Where does health come from? Health comes from within. Your body has the inborn ability to heal itself naturally. You were born to be healthy. The catch is, in order for your body to be able to heal itself it must be free from interference in the nervous system. The nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and system in your body. The number one cause of interference to the nerve system in science today is the vertebral subluxation.</p> <p>Creating Wellness! Wellness is the process of attaining health, happiness, and vitality, allowing you to live your life to its fullest potential. My wish for you is to live your life to its fullest and improve the quality of your life by creating wellness naturally.</p> #13 It's Better to Grow Healthy Kids than Repair Damaged Adults http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/28/13-its-better-to-grow-healthy-kids-than-repair-damaged-adults/ Thu, 28 Feb 2013 09:21:38 -0500 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Did You Know?</strong></span></p> <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>It&rsquo;s Better to Grow Healthy Kids than Repair Damaged Adults</strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;Have you noticed? There are times when the office seems like a pediatrician&rsquo;s office. This is because we see a lot of kids and you may wonder...do all those poor children have back problems? Of course not!&nbsp;&nbsp; They are coming to the office to grow their health as normally and naturally as possible rather than wait for health problems to develop.</p> <p>Remember when you began your care here? When we conducted our examination and consultation, we found that there was evidence of chronic spine, muscle, nerve and back problems. We also found evidence of chronic health problems that were related to the nervous system involvement. Our initial objective was to see if we could work together to turn the direction of your health around. With kids, we don&rsquo;t have to turn the direction of their health around...we just need to make sure that it keeps going in the right direction. So, all the children you often see in the office are here to grow up as healthy as they possibly can. Minimally, their parents don&rsquo;t want them to grow up with the kind of health problems that they, or for that matter,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; their parents, had. And, so while we have a fabulous success record in helping adults overcome their health problems through natural chiropractic care, we see children to help them grow up healthy!</p> <p>What about you and your family? Are you waiting for your spouse and children to develop a problem before consulting us? Doesn&rsquo;t it make much more sense to work to grow their health rather than simply try and &ldquo;fix&rdquo; them after they have broken down? Of course! So now you understand why we say, &ldquo;It&rsquo;s better to grow healthy kids than repair damaged adults.&rdquo; Let us help you grow your kids as healthy as they can be. Make an appointment today to have their nervous systems checked so that they can be healthier for the rest of their lives!</p> #12 Three Types of Conditions http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/27/12-three-types-of-conditions/ Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:29:07 -0500 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Did You Know?</strong></span></p> <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Three Conditions</strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12px">It may be a gross over-simplification but there really are only <u>3 kinds of health problems</u> <u>or conditions</u> and they are:</span></p> <ul> <li><span style="font-size: 12px"><strong>Acute</strong></span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 12px"><strong>Chronic</strong></span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 12px"><strong>Permanent</strong></span></li> </ul> <p><span style="font-size: 12px">And, these conditions are progressive.&nbsp; The first time someone&rsquo;s health begins to fail, there are usually no symptoms.&nbsp; When the body has been moving in an unhealthy direction long enough for it to begin to break down, symptoms generally appear.&nbsp; The first sign of a symptom does not mean that the health problems associated with it are acute or new&hellip;it just means the symptoms are.&nbsp; An acute health problem is usually one that develops as a result of an obvious injury either physically, chemically </span>or emotionally.</p> <p>If the cause of that health issue is left unhandled, eventually the problem returns, symptoms return and the body demonstrates signs of a chronic problem.&nbsp; Unfelt but frequent signs of a chronic problem include symptoms that come and go, x-rays that demonstrate localized areas of spinal degeneration or decay, muscle problems that won&rsquo;t be massaged away or simply health concerns that most people use over-the-counter medicines to deal with.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 12px">Permanent health problems result from simply treating symptoms when they arise without taking the time to address the underlying cause of the malfunction in the body.&nbsp; People often use medication for the rest of their lives to try and bring comfort to a malfunctioning body.&nbsp; Unfortunately, this only buys comfort&hellip;not health.&nbsp; And, this practice usually actually causes health problems that are easy to correct to progress from acute to chronic to permanent.</span></p> <p>It is for these reasons that we so strongly recommend spine and nervous system evaluations be performed regularly&hellip;not just when symptoms develop.&nbsp; It is also why we are so adamant about how important it is to make sure your children grow up healthy rather than wait for them to break down as adults.</p> #11 If your Chiropractor knew what caused 96% of all diseases and how to prevent it would you want http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/26/11-if-your-chiropractor-knew-what-caused-96-of-all-diseases-and-how-to-prevent-it-would-you-want/ Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:38:28 -0500 <p style="text-align: center"> <strong><span style="font-size: 14px">If your Chiropractor knew what caused 96% of all diseases and how to prevent it, would you want to know more about it?</span></strong></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">In some amazing research, Dr. Henry Winsor, M.D. of the University of Pennsylvania did autopsies to determine if there was any connection between minor distortions of the spinal bones and diseased organs, or whether the two were entirely independent of each other. His purpose was to disprove what was then known as the &ldquo;chiropractic theory&rdquo;. Dr. Winsor carefully examined any diseased organs, the nerves that supplied the organ, and the spinal bones that protected that nerve. He discovered that 221 structures, other than the spine, were diseased. Of these, 212 were observed to belong to the same sympathetic nerve segments (autonomic nerves) as the spinal bone in the distortion. This is a 96% correlation. 96% of the nerves that supplied the diseased organ came from a damaged spinal level.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">The other 9 diseased organs were supplied by nerves from spinal bones that were not found to be out of alignment. Dr. Winsor explained that the autonomic nerves enter through a spinal nerve and leave the spinal cord through another spinal nerve after traveling up or down the cord several spinal levels. He felt this accounted for the remaining 4% of apparent discrepancies. His conclusion was that there was nearly a 100% correlation between minor distortions of the spinal bone, the irritation of the autonomic nerves and the diseases of the internal organs. Nerve damage correlated with all 20 cases of heart disease, all 13 cases of liver disease, all 9 cases of stomach disease, all 26 cases of lung disease, and all 8 cases of prostate and bladder disease.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">Dr. Winsor concluded that &ldquo;irritation near the origin of the sympathetic nerve (autonomic nerve) will cause functional or organic changes in the organs supplied by the portion of the sympathetic nerve irritated.&rdquo; Based on his research it was found that nearly 100% of all diseased organs may be a result of irritation to the nerve that supplies that organ. He further discovered that the irritation occurred where the spinal nerve exits from between the spinal bones. This research changed what was known as the &ldquo;chiropractic theory&rdquo; into fact.</span></p> #10 Wellness Chiropractic Adjustments Remove Subluxations and Restore Health http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/25/10-wellness-chiropractic-adjustments-remove-subluxations-and-restore-health/ Mon, 25 Feb 2013 09:24:43 -0500 <p align="center"> <span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Wellness Chiropractic Adjustments </strong></span></p> <p align="center"> <span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Remove subluxations and restore health</strong></span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">We learned with the first component of the chiropractic paradigm that the body is a self healing organism. In the next component, we discovered that our nervous system is what is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue and organ in our body. In the third component of the chiropractic paradigm we find that subluxations damage the ability of our nervous system to communicate properly. The fourth component teaches us that the interference to the nervous system from subluxations is devastating to our health potential, even life threatening. Finally, the fifth component reveals the power of the chiropractic adjustment to correct subluxations, re-establish nerve flow, and restore health! It is every individual&rsquo;s goal to live a healthy and vital life. It is physiologically impossible to live a healthy life as long as there is nerve interference because of subluxations. When your nervous system is restored with a chiropractic adjustment your body begins to regenerate and revitalize itself. Your life-force and inborn potential is housed in your nervous system and with your chiropractic adjustment it is released and your body begins to heal from within. At Nazar Chiropractic Family Health and Wellness Center, we take pride in saving peoples&rsquo; lives with the power of a chiropractic adjustment.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px"><strong>The chiropractic adjustment is not just for back pain or neck pain, it&rsquo;s designed to remove nerve interference and restore health and well-being to your body.</strong> <span style="font-size: 14px"><u>The adjustment is like turning the power back on from a blown fuse</u></span>. A Wellness Chiropractic adjustment is the cornerstone to achieve and explore the essence of a rich and rewarding life experience.</span></p> #9 What is Stress and does our body adapt to Stress? http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/22/9-what-is-stress-and-does-our-body-adapt-to-stress/ Fri, 22 Feb 2013 10:04:15 -0500 <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Did You Know?</strong></span></p> <p align="center"><span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>What is Stress and how does our body adapt to stress?</strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 12px">Stresses are changes in your internal or external environment that require changes in your body in order for your body to adapt successfully. What makes adaptation to stress possible? Gray&rsquo;s Anatomy says that &ldquo;it is the purpose of the brain and nervous system to control and coordinate the function of all the tissues and organs of the body and to adapt them to the environment.&rdquo; Adaptation is possible because you have a nervous system.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12px">Let&rsquo;s use a simple example of a change in your environment. Imagine walking into a very cold room. How does your brain become aware that the temperature is suddenly very cold? Sensory nerves signal the brain of the temperature change. Your brain analyzes and processes that information. Is the cold temperature a potential danger to your health and survival? Of course, we all know about hypothermia. The brain then sends signals through your autonomic nerves to the glands of the skin to produce &ldquo;goose bumps&rdquo; which insulate your body from heat loss. The brain also sends signals through your motor nerves to your muscles to produce &ldquo;shivering&rdquo; which produces heat. The nervous system responded to the stress of cold and adapted by providing mechanisms that would ensure the health and survival of your body.</span></p> #8 Subluxations . . . if left uncorrected have devasting effects on our health! http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/21/8-subluxations-if-left-uncorrected-have-devasting-effects-on-our-health/ Thu, 21 Feb 2013 10:00:21 -0500 <p align="center"> <span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Subluxations...</strong></span></p> <p align="center"> <span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>...if left uncorrected have devastating effects on our health!</strong></span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">We learned with the first component of the chiropractic paradigm that the body is a self healing organism. In the next component, we discovered that our nervous system is what is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue and organ in our body. In the third component of the chiropractic paradigm, we find that subluxations damage the ability of our nervous system to communicate properly. The fourth component teaches us that the interference to the nervous system from subluxations is devastating to our health potential, even life threatening.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">The nervous system, when interfered with, begins a progressive downward spiral regarding our health and well-being. When our nervous system is subluxated it no longer has the ability to respond appropriately to the environmental stresses we place upon our body. Subluxations may lessen our body&rsquo;s ability to perform at every level: our immune system may be hampered, our emotional stability becomes fragile, our mental clarity may be cloudy, our organs may not function properly, and sometimes even fail, our strength and coordination becomes weak and clumsy, and even our genetic expression may be damaged. If this isn&rsquo;t bad enough, subluxations continue to worsen over time as our body slowly deteriorates.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">Recent studies confirm our worst fears about subluxations.</span></p> #7 Subluxations are usually painless http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/20/7-subluxations-are-usually-painless/ Wed, 20 Feb 2013 09:00:05 -0500 <p align="center"> <span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>Subluxations...</strong></span></p> <p align="center"> <span style="font-size: 14px"><strong>...are usually painless!</strong></span></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">We have learned that subluxations are disturbances or interferences in our nervous system. We have also learned that subluxations have devastating effects of our health and well-being. But what most people don&rsquo;t realize is that most subluxations go unnoticed for years because most subluxations are painless.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">In a 1993 study, researcher M. Hause published his study revealing that pressure to the nerve root (the nerve root is located between two vertebra) can exist without pain. More importantly he stated that this pressure can influence the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is the part of our nervous system that regulates the function of our organs, blood vessels and glands.</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">Researchers have also discovered that subluxations often occur during the normal birthing process and often go undiagnosed for years and even decades. Dr. G. Gutman discovered that more than 80% of the infants that he examined shortly after birth were suffering from injuries to the neck that resulted in all types of health problems such as nose, throat and ear infections. Dr. Towbin, Harvard Medical School&rsquo;s department of pathology found that &ldquo;the birth process even under optimal conditions is potentially a traumatic, crippling event. Spinal cord and brain stem injuries occur often during the birth process but frequently escape diagnosis.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px">Undetected subluxations are an epidemic health challenge in our society and need to be taken very seriously because of the consequences. Every man, woman and child should be checked for nerve interference on a regular basis by a Wellness Chiropractor, it&rsquo;s that important.</span></p> #6 The Global Effects of Subluxation http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/19/6-the-global-effects-of-subluxation/ Tue, 19 Feb 2013 09:58:55 -0500 <p align="center"> <strong>The Global Effects of Subluxation</strong></p> <p> There is more to subluxations than back pain, neck pain and a pinched nerve. Some of the scariest consequences of subluxations come from the possible global effects on your body. When most patients investigate their subluxations they are often concerned about the potential health problems that may arise in the tissues that the specific nerve supplies at the level of their subluxations. For example; if they have a T1 subluxation, the nerve at that level supplies the heart and lung tissue. Their concern, and rightly so, is will this subluxation cause heart or lung problems? The research and case studies indicate that this is a possibility but even more importantly subluxations may cause even more serious global health problems in your body.</p> <p> <strong>Global Effects of Subluxations</strong></p> <p> 1<strong>. Impaired Immune Function</strong>: Arguably one of the most important keys to a long healthy life is a healthy immune system. Research now reveals that your subluxations may seriously impair the function of your immune system. Dr. Pero&rsquo;s research indicates that ones immune response and susceptibility to serious disease are negatively affected by subluxations. Another study reveals that the quantity and quality of your white blood cells are negatively affected by subluxations.</p> <p> 2. <strong>Decreased Mental Function</strong>: Nobody would want their mind to be clouded and not be able to process information and think clearly. A chiropractic study demonstrated that an individual&rsquo;s mental efficiency may improve 1,500-3,000% after a chiropractic adjustment. In another study, researchers discovered that brain stem function improved following a chiropractic adjustment.</p> <p> 3. <strong>Altered Emotional Stability</strong>: We usually don&rsquo;t relate our emotional states to whether we need an adjustment or not, however, our emotions are intimately related to our nervous system function. Studies reveal an amazing connection between altered neurochemistry and emotional states to the subluxation. Many studies reveal that chiropractic care can offer fascinating results for patients with ADD/ADHD, panic attacks, nightmares, anxiety attacks, irritability, and general states of loss of well-being.</p> <p> 4. <strong>Damaged Genetic Potential</strong>: New research is now indicating that subluxations can alter the genetic expression of your genes. This has devastating consequences to your health and your future as a human being.</p> <p> 5. <strong>An Early Unnecessary Demise</strong>: In 1994 Dr. Lee authored a lengthy article that postulates that the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is involved in all disease processes and explains that the causes and cures of all diseases are mediated by our central nervous system. Everyone must be checked on a routine basis for neurological interference caused by subluxations at a Wellness Chiropractic office if they desire to stay healthy. Another study reveals that subluxations negatively effect the visceral (organ) input centers and output centers in your brain stem. This indicates that almost any subluxation at any level may result in almost any kind of health challenge. Finally, the autopsies performed by Dr. Windsor M.D., correlated that nearly 100% of diseases these people suffered from were related to a curvature in the spine or a spinal problem that damaged the nerve that supplied that specific organ.</p> #5Subluxations Interfere with the messages sent between your brain and body http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/18/5subluxations-interfere-with-the-messages-sent-between-your-brain-and-body/ Mon, 18 Feb 2013 09:23:31 -0500 <p align="center"> <strong>Did You Know?</strong></p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <p align="center"> <strong>Subluxations...</strong></p> <p align="center"> <strong>. . .interfere with the messages sent between your brain and body</strong></p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <p> We learned that the body is a self healing organism. In the next component, we discovered that our nervous system is what is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue and organ in our body. In the third component of the chiropractic paradigm we find that subluxations damage the ability of our nervous system to communicate properly resulting in loss of health.</p> <p> Subluxations are interferences or disturbances in our nervous system that interrupt the normal communication pathways in our body. There are two types of subluxations.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The first type is called the structural type. When a vertebrae misaligns, the distortion can either compress (pinch) a nerve or stretch and pull the nerve. Studies show that the weight of a dime is all the pressure it takes to decrease the function of a nerve by 60%. Studies also reveal that a 6% stretch of the nerve decreases its function by 70%. We learn it doesn&rsquo;t take much pressure or pulling on the nerve to severely interfere with its function. These subluxations are usually caused by physical stress or trauma.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The second type of subluxation occurs when the nervous system is interfered with by emotional stress or chemical toxins. When the nervous system becomes overwhelmed by these factors it creates an imbalance in how our nerves perform. When the motor nerve (the nerve controlling the muscles) is imbalanced it causes the muscle on one side of the spine to contract harder than the other, misaligning the vertebrae. The misalignment further interferes with the nerve creating a repeating neurological pattern. These types of subluxations can exist for years and go unnoticed.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Studies tell us that both types of subluxations can exist without pain yet still interfere and disturb nerve function. Do you know if you have subluxations?</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Doctors of chiropractic are the only health professionals trained to diagnose and treat subluxations.</p> #4 The Cause http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/15/4-the-cause/ Fri, 15 Feb 2013 11:02:37 -0500 <p align="center"> <strong>The Cause</strong></p> <p> Your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is responsible for sending messages to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. This communication is made possible by your spinal neurological network. This vast communication network is in charge of virtually every function in your body and determines whether you enjoy good health or disease. The central nervous system is so important that nature built armor around it, your skull and spinal column. However, even with this inborn protection our nervous system can experience interference, injury or disturbance. We call this a Subluxation.</p> <p> If your examinations have determined that you have one or multiple subluxations that exist in your spinal neurological network, this could potentially be a very serious threat to your continued overall health and well-being. What caused my subluxations?&nbsp; Stress! There are three commonly recognized causes of subluxations, physical trauma, chemical toxins/trauma and emotional stress/trauma.&nbsp; The three T&#39;s.</p> <p> <strong>Physical trauma</strong> is what most patients blame for their subluxations. &ldquo;I slept wrong.&rdquo; &ldquo;I lifted something heavy.&rdquo; There are many causes of physical stress to our bodies throughout our life from being born, learning how to walk, learning how to ride a bike, slips and falls, car accidents, sports injuries, hobbies and work injuries. There are multiple of physical causes that may be responsible for our subluxations that have accumulated over our lifetime.</p> <p> <strong>Chemical toxins</strong> are often overlooked as a cause of our subluxations. Chemicals are a direct poison to our nervous system. Chemicals can interfere with or disturb with the functions of our nervous system just as easy as a trauma. What many of us don&rsquo;t realize is just how many chemical toxins we expose ourselves to on a daily basis. List includes: food dyes, sweeteners,&nbsp;&nbsp; preservatives, chemicals in our air and water, hormones in the meats, processed foods, caffeine, nicotine, prescriptions and over the counter drugs, cleaning chemicals, perfumes, hair spray, detergents...the list goes on and on. We are a chemical dependant society and these chemicals poison our nervous system resulting in subluxations everyday.&nbsp; For this reason, we ask that you do not wear perfume or perfumed substances to the chiropractic office.</p> <p> <strong>Mental and emotional stress/trauma</strong> is <u>the most common cause of subluxations in the world today.</u> Our nervous system filters and processes stress on a moment to moment basis. When our nervous system is overwhelmed by the constant or chronic stress that we endure on a daily basis it breaks down resulting in chronic subluxations. When we are worried, fearful or stressed, when we experience relationship, money or job problems, when life just doesn&rsquo;t seem to go our way it takes its toll on our nervous system. Stress is inescapable in our society and a frequent subluxation producer.</p> <p> <strong>Our goal is to remove your subluxations, optimize your health and provide you with real life strategies to eliminate or reduce your physical, chemical and emotional stressors to provide you with lasting results and lasting health.</strong></p> #3 Subluxations The Silent Killer http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/14/3-subluxations-the-silent-killer/ Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:31:29 -0500 <p align="center"> <strong>Did You Know?</strong></p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <p align="center"> <strong>Subluxations, &ldquo;The silent killer&rdquo;</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is responsible for sending messages to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. This communication is made possible by your spinal neurological network. This vast communication network is in charge of virtually every function in your body and determines whether you enjoy good health or disease. The central nervous system is so important that nature built armor around it, your skull and spinal column.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> However, even with this inborn protection, our nervous system can experience <strong>interference, injury or disturbance</strong><u>. We call this damage to our nervous system a <strong>Subluxation</strong></u><strong>.</strong> If you have one or multiple subluxations that exist in your spinal neurological network, this could potentially be a very serious threat to your continued overall health and well-being.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Subluxations can have devastating effects on your overall health and well-being. Our primary goal is to detect and correct the subluxations that are interfering with your nervous system.</p> #2 Your Master Controller The central nervous system is responsible for the function of everything. http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/13/2-your-master-controller-the-central-nervous-system-is-responsible-for-the-function-of-everything/ Wed, 13 Feb 2013 14:15:07 -0500 <p align="center"> <strong>Your Master Controller</strong></p> <p align="center"> <strong>The central nervous system is responsible for </strong></p> <p align="center"> <strong>the function of everything.</strong></p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <p> We have learned that our body is a self-healing organism. Next<u>, we discover that our nervous system is what is responsible for the healing in our body. In fact, our nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue and organ in our body and coordinates them together so that our body works in perfect harmony</u>. We have also learned that true health is not how we feel. A person could have cancer or heart disease and feel great yet obviously be in very poor health. We know that true health is our body functioning 100%, 100% of the time. It is important to make the connection that health is optimal function and it&rsquo;s our nervous system that controls that function. Therefore, in order for you to have true health, your nervous system must be able to control and coordinate the function of every cell, tissue and organ without interference. The brain and spinal cord are connected to every cell, tissue and organ via our spinal nerve system. The spinal nerve system is composed of three types of nerves.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Sensory nerves</strong>: These nerves tell our brain what is happening in our internal and external environment.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Motor nerves</strong>: These nerves control and coordinate our muscles.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Autonomic nerves</strong>: These nerves control and coordinate our organs, blood vessels and glands.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Think about it. What do you think would happen to your health if any part of your nervous system were to be interfered with?</p> #1 Your Body is a self-healing organism http://www.drtananazar.com/blog/did-you-know/2013/02/13/1-your-body-is-a-self-healing-organism/ Wed, 13 Feb 2013 12:40:43 -0500 <p align="center"> <strong>Did You Know?</strong></p> <p align="center"> <strong>Your body is a self-healing organism</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The body is a self-healing organism; it has the ability to heal itself without drugs and surgery. For instance, if you cut your arm, the body can heal the cut without band aids or antibiotics. Your body has within it an inborn ability to heal itself; in fact all living things have the ability to heal themselves naturally.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> If your body has the ability to heal itself, why doesn&rsquo;t it? <u>The answer, sometimes we don&rsquo;t give our body enough time to heal on its own or the actual cause of the problem is still present interfering with the healing process.</u> Most patients who develop health challenges search for a pill or a potion to relieve their discomfort instead of locating the cause of the problem and removing the cause. By removing the actual cause it allows our body an opportunity to heal naturally.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> For example, infections are not a lack of antibiotics in our blood steam; they are caused by a suppressed immune system. Why is your immune system suppressed? Poor diet, no exercise, stress, or maybe nerve interference. If the body is a self-healing organism, why take medicine? Why not find out why the body isn&rsquo;t healing itself like it should and remove the interference?</p>