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Thanks for visiting!  To schedule an appointment with me, call 717.564.1550.  Check out my new office at 4915 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA.


We welcome you to our web site . It is our hope that the following pa ges can be of assistance to you in some way. Whether you are a current or future chiropractic patient, the following pages are designed to empower you to reach your personal and professional goals.

We offer the information contained on this chiropractic website to everyone seeking knowledge on the wonders of good health through chiropractic, nutrition and the wholistic healing arts. Our office recognizes the hazard that Vertebral Subluxation causes in your quality of life. We believe everyone deserves a healthy life, free of vertebral subluxation.

Please take advantage of all the information provided and contact us personally if we can offer specific information suited to your healthcare needs. Remember, we are here because CHIROPRACTIC WORKS!


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Health Articles

Functional Improvement and Pain Reduction in a Patient with Fibromyalgia Undergoing Chiropractic Care
Functional Improvement and Pain Reduction in a Patient with Fibromyalgia Undergoing Chiropractic Care
The above title comes from the October 21, 2024, issue of the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. The National Institutes of Health describe this condition by saying, "Fibromyalgia is a chronic (long-lasting) disorder that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body, as well as fatigue and trouble . . .
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Chiropractic Helps Baby Boy with Digestive, Sleep, and Mood Issues
Chiropractic Helps Baby Boy with Digestive, Sleep, and Mood Issues
On June 27, 2024, the Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study documenting a baby boy's improvement with issues of sleep, muscle strength, mood, and digestion. Chiropractic care for infants and babies has become more widespread over the past several years. . . .
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Less Tramadol Prescriptions in Adults Under Chiropractic Care
Less Tramadol Prescriptions in Adults Under Chiropractic Care
On May 1, 2024, the British Medical Journal Open edition, (BMJ Open), published the results of a study showing that patients with radicular low back pain are less likely to get prescriptions for tramadol compared to those patients with the same condition under typical medical care. . . .
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Seniors Under Chiropractic Care Have Less Chance of Falling
Seniors Under Chiropractic Care Have Less Chance of Falling
A retrospective cohort study was published on October 24, 2024, on the open science site Cureus that showed that seniors who are under chiropractic care have less incidence of falls when compared to those not under chiropractic. Falling is a serious and common problem for seniors. According to the National . . .
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Office Hours

9 to noon and 2:30 to 6 PM by appointment only 

Animal Adjusting

By Appointment

 9 to noon and  2:30 to 6 PM by appointment only
9 to noon and 2:30 to 6 PM by appointment only


Animal Adjusting by appointment only


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