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#7 Subluxations are usually painless

Posted: February 20, 2013
By: Dr Tana Nazar


...are usually painless!


We have learned that subluxations are disturbances or interferences in our nervous system. We have also learned that subluxations have devastating effects of our health and well-being. But what most people don’t realize is that most subluxations go unnoticed for years because most subluxations are painless.

In a 1993 study, researcher M. Hause published his study revealing that pressure to the nerve root (the nerve root is located between two vertebra) can exist without pain. More importantly he stated that this pressure can influence the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is the part of our nervous system that regulates the function of our organs, blood vessels and glands.

Researchers have also discovered that subluxations often occur during the normal birthing process and often go undiagnosed for years and even decades. Dr. G. Gutman discovered that more than 80% of the infants that he examined shortly after birth were suffering from injuries to the neck that resulted in all types of health problems such as nose, throat and ear infections. Dr. Towbin, Harvard Medical School’s department of pathology found that “the birth process even under optimal conditions is potentially a traumatic, crippling event. Spinal cord and brain stem injuries occur often during the birth process but frequently escape diagnosis.”

Undetected subluxations are an epidemic health challenge in our society and need to be taken very seriously because of the consequences. Every man, woman and child should be checked for nerve interference on a regular basis by a Wellness Chiropractor, it’s that important.

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